CIL is RV Sales Australia’s trusted insurance partner for caravans and motorhomes, to view full insurance policy documents visit the CIL website.
If you choose to receive an insurance quote from CIL mention our RV Sales Australia dealership reference number #55355934, CIL Insurance benefits are included below.
Benefits of CIL Caravan Insurance
CIL can provide cover for your caravan anywhere in Australia against:
- Hail, storm (including cyclone) and flood
- Accidental loss or damage
- Theft and attempted theft
- fire and explosion
- Motor burnout
At no extra cost, cover includes:
- New caravan after a total loss for caravans less than 2 years old.
- Alternative accommodation expenses up to $150 a day if your caravan is not fit to live in following a collision or impact or a loss.
- Up to $1,000 included contents cover.
- Authorised emergency repairs if your caravan cannot be towed.
- A 10% discount if you have one of our approved electronic stability control devices fitted to your caravan.
- Reasonable costs to collect and deliver your caravan back to you following a collision or impact repairs, if the repairer is more than 100kms away from your home.
- Removal and storage of your caravan after a collision or impacts if it cannot be towed.
- $20 million caravan liability and $20 million personal liability.
- Veterinary expenses for your injured domestic pet up to $500.
- Choice of a higher excess to reduce your premium.
Benefits of CIL Motorhome Insurance
CIL can provide cover for your motorhome anywhere in Australia against:
- Hail, storm (including cyclone) and flood
- Accidental damage
- Theft and attempted theft
- Fire and explosion
The Secure™ Motorhome Insurance policy now includes the following additional covers:
- New motorhome after a total loss for motorhomes less than 2 years old.
- No basic excess payable for the first windscreen replacement claim in any one period of insurance.
- Cover for towing your vehicle to nearest repairer following an incident covered by the policy.
- Cover to get you home if your vehicle is stolen or cannot be driven following a collision or impact.
- Cover for emergency accomodation following a collision or impact, fire or theft.
- Transport home following emergency medical treatment.
- $20 million motorhome legal liability and $20 million personal liability.
- Veterinary expenses for your injured domestic pet up to $500.
- Choice of a higher excess to reduce your premium.
- Included contents cover of up to $1000 for damage to your personal contents kept in the motorhome e.g. bicycles, motorised wheelchairs or personal transportation vehicles.
Refer to the CIL website for the most up to date insurance inclusions, terms, conditions and exclusions.